Lyft In-App

Lyft in-app ads help you drive impactful campaigns by leveraging unique insights into rider transportation preferences.

A phone showing Lyft in-app post and video ad units.
An image showing a person who just finished their meal at a restaurant receiving a food-related in-app ad.

Personalized targeting

Pinpoint your audience with deep first-party data, and create impactful campaigns from awareness to purchase.

Target according to:

Map pin icon

Ride area

history icon

Ride history

Payment icon

Payment method

Smiley face icon


An Engaged audience

Riders check their app nine times per ride, on average

Attention-grabbing formats

Ads display from the moment a rider requests a ride until they’re dropped off.

A graphic showing the two sizes of the in-app video ad unit.A graphic showing the two sizes of the in-app video ad unit.

Measurable results

Detailed performance reports measure campaign effectiveness.

eye icon

See total impressions and clicks through Lyft's first-party reporting

Bar graph icon

Measure incremental lift in awareness, brand association, and purchase intent through Kantar Brand Lift insights

Gather insights on brand impact, buyer lift, and audience verification through Nielsen